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Castletown River

Private waters Kill

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River Castletown

Salmon and Trout fishing Reserve

Region / State:
Telephone 1:
353 (0)860506746
Telephone 2:
353 (0)872908887
Castle Park
Dundalk Brown Trout Angling Association
Martin Cooper, Shane Callan
Email address:
Last update:
2017-12-01 19:14:40
River or place: River Castletown
Opening date: 1 de Marzo
Closing date: 12 de Octubre
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No weather available.
Language: The following information about Castletown River is not yet available in your language. We show the information in Español. However, very soon, it will be translated.
Upper limit: Newtownhamilton
Lower limit: Dundalk Bay
Other info: Política 'Captura y Suelta'
Comments: Mejores moscas: Trucha: oreja de liebres, araña negra y plateada, el especial Klinkhammer. Trucha de mar: Verde azulado, azul y plata, Pennell negro, Carnicero, Alexander, Peter Ross y Conemara negro. Salmón: Highlander verde, Collie, Ally Shrimp , Camarón especial Bann y Camarón naranja y dorado.


Salmon, Brown Trout, Sea Trout


Dundalk Brown Trout Anglers Fishery (Louth)

Salmon and Trout fishing Reserve

6165 Visits

Dundalk Salmon Anglers Fishery (Louth)

Salmon and Trout fishing Reserve

6120 Visits

The Village Anglers Fishery (Louth)

Salmon and Trout fishing Reserve

5281 Visits


Eamonn Conway (Louth)

4143 Visits

Oriel Angling (Down)

4806 Visits

Gear and supplies

Dundalk Angling Centre (Louth)

Fishing and Hunting Shop

3959 Visits

Dee Fishery (Louth)

Salmon and Trout fishing Reserve

5491 Visits

Newgrange Active Angling (Meath)

4573 Visits

Brian Keoghan (Monaghan)

4325 Visits

Gerry Duffy (Monaghan)

4481 Visits

Peadar O'Brien (Monaghan)

3897 Visits

Gate Lodge Angling (Monaghan)

4118 Visits

Brian Russell Flyfishing (Armagh)

4134 Visits


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