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  • Business
    • B - 18 Johns Rd, Moana, West Coast, West Coast, Nueva
    • C - Moana, West Coast, Nueva Zelanda
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In any case, please collaborate with us. Thanks for visiting Brent Beadle's Moana Trout Fishing Safaris .

Brent Beadle's Moana Trout Fishing Safaris

Fly Fishing Guides

00 Contact

Region / State:
West Coast
West Coast
18 Johns Rd, Moana, West Coast
Postal Code:
Brent Beadle
Brent Beadle
Email address:
Last update:
2017-12-01 19:09:59

Brent Beadle is based at Moana on the shores of beautiful Lake Brunner where the trout die of old age.

Brent is the longest serving local guide, 15 years in the area and he is a member of the N.Z. Professional Fishing Guides Assn.(NZPFGA). Both Brents boats, the 'Madeline Ruth' and 'Sneakuponum' are surveyed to government requirements and Brent has Department of Conservation concessions to fish in the area. It is a requirement of the NZPGA that your guide meets these lawful requirements.

There are five lakes and upwards of 40 rivers or streams within an hours drive of Moana that hold trout, the great thing about Lake Brunner is that it is open 365 days of the year and it can be fished in any weather.

The lake holds excellent stocks of wild brown averaging 2 1/2 pounds and the area is virtually uncrowded for most of the season, in fact most of the time you won't see another fisherman.

No weather available.